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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!Open in new Window.
Showing 101 through 125 of 1,143 total testimonials

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      TWITTER SAVED THE DAY I was sitting around and out of boredom decided to sign for Twitter. I had heard so much about it and I so wanted to share myself. I completed the preliminaries and out of the blue WDC pops up on my screen. I had searched for a writing forum and could find nothing-- then I came here *Smile* I am learning, becoming more of a extrovert and loving everyone I come in contact with. Thank you everyone for being here. WDC saved me.
      Hello, my name is Mark Allen Mc Lemore...
This may sound like me at an A.A. meeting, and, in a sense it is, and I will tell you why...
Funny thing happened to me Saturday (1/5/13) when I woke up. I wiped out my Energy Points in my game within a game on my iPhone. I set that aside and grabbed my net-book, here I went to my Bing Rewards (I am a member and you get points for searching the Internet using Bing, 1 point rewarded for 2 searches up to 15 points a day). I just typed "Writing" in the Search Box, and, well I noticed Writing.Com as the first Domain...
... I entered.
Well, after midnight I looked up at my little Bing box and it still said "Writing" and I was still on Writing.Com.
I love this site, it is exactly what I have been looking for as a part time writer. I can easily say this is the best site for writers- EVER and although I did not get rewarded by Bing that day, I received a better reward; the chance to be a part of the WDC community!
Hello, my name is Mark Allen Mc Lemore, and this is my testimonial.
      I have always wanted to take part in a group of writers, and I immediately felt at home with Writing.com . I have posted only several of my compositions, since I won't be able to pay for a membership. But the positive response from my fellow members has been unbelievably overwhelming. I felt even more confident with my talent when one of my articles on parenting was selected by one of the more experienced critics to be put up for reviewing, and I even got an award! I received some gift points from other members as well. I would recommend this site to all aspiring writers out there.
      I always wanted to write, but wasn't sure I was up to the task. I googled writing one day (vague I know) but lo and behold I found writing.com! I have never looked back, I spend so much time on this website I think it qualifies as an addiction. The contests are brilliant with their prompts, there are groups of people actively engaging in review challenges and the general atmosphere is amazing. It has to be the best place to see your work improve as your fellow writers help support you with prompts and reviews. But there is more than just support with any writing challenges you may face; there is support for personal challenges also.

      When I first heard about Writing.com I had my doubts, but then I started to read some of the stories, meet some authors, very great experience! I have to say there is no better site out there!
-- Marat Author IconMail Icon
      If I had not discovered this wonderful site I would have never found my writing voice.
      I came to this site back in 2010 when I needed an outlet for a story that was stuck in my head. Since joining it has blossomed more than I could have ever expected thanks to the wonderful community that supports, critiques, and guides you in your development as a writer. Because of this site, I've grown more as a writer in two years than in the 20 that I've been scribbling on notebooks. WDC is without a doubt one of the best websites available to people who are seasoned writers, and novices alike.
      Greetings. I have been here on WDC for more than one year and I have improved a lot! This is a wonderful community and we writers, who had their writing talents hidden, were only unleashed due to the wonderful and successful efforts of The StoryMaster and StoryMistress. I am glad I joined this and I hope that many like me are enjoying their stay on WDC.
      I am so glad to have found WDC! Not only have I found that posting my items here for reviews helps to improve my writing skills, but I have also noticed that the more I read and review other people's work the more skills I obtain.

I am an avid reader and writer so there could not possibly be a better site for me! I would like to thank the SM and SMS for the site and all the wonderful people here who have made me feel welcome.

I look forward to learning and growing on the site! In just 12 days I have done 41 in depth reviews and have posted over a dozen items in my port. I do not see the enthusiasm dying down anytime soon!


      I am from Sri Lanka and English is my second language. I wanted to write but felt my ENGLISH knowledge was not sufficient enough to do it. So I wrote but was scared to show it to anybody lest they would laugh at me. During that time I found writing.com and with much hesitation I posted my first item.The members in the site were so encoureging and I received a numerous reviews giving me advice on how to improve my writing.Ac tually it developed my confidence and I continued my writing. As a result I think I have gained much knowledge on how to write poetry or fiction thanks to the site who ofer free advice on writing skills. I wish you founders all the best and may your site will be popular in future too. Thanks.
-- CREEK Author IconMail Icon
      I can't begin to tell you what writing.com has done for me. It's not that the words won't come; it is quite the opposite. Too many adjectives are available to describe this wonderful site, how prolific I have become in my daily output, how dedicated I am to my new work ethic, and how easy it all flows together. It is because of this invaluable writer's tool that my goals are being met, while my writing is jumpstarted at every bend in the road. Any time I tune in, I find a myriad of activities, prompts, and models of good writing delivered by talented members who urge me toward my own goals. Writing.com is by far the most effective means to that happily-ever-after ending every writing career deserves. I am so proud to be a member.
      Writing.Com is an awesome site. It has helped me spend time wisely in positive ways and find a new hobby. Life isn't near as beautiful unless you have Writing.Com.
      Writing.com has finally broken my addiction to Facebook. For more than a year i have been addicted to Facebook, which consumed a lot of my time and honestly gave me nothing in return except for some gossip. I have always had a great fondness for reading and writing and with writing.com i found meaning for my time in front of the computer. In my opinion Writing.com should and will become among the top 100 visited websites in the near future. For all the people making sure that this place continues to refugee those who like to read and write i say Thank you.
      Before becoming a member of Writing.com I was never exactly an avid writer and never found it my forte. However I have since written a great many chapters and now feel free to write whatever I feel with confidence. I really enjoy contributing to the community and I would encourage others to do the same.
      I don't know what is in Writing.com that captivated me to stay with the community. I won't say it's the awesome groups that I am in, the lovely Community Notes or those gorgeous AwardIcons and Merit Badges. It's not also the Gift Points or the Paid Membership I have. I don't know! I just feel addicted with this site that I can't sleep a night if I missed my day's log-in.

Even how far the internet cafe is or most of the time, I borrow money from somebody - from a friend to go online, it doesn't matter to me as long as I can visit Writing.com to update my activities, read my emails, add new items, take reviews, and publish the things I have written on my drafts.

Maybe it'as the strong motivation that Writing.com gave me. The encouraging words of my fellow group members and the positive and helpful reviews plus the inspiring ratings I received from friendly Writing.com members. At Writing.com, I feel so comfortable and cared. No other online community that always inspire writers and readers than WDC. Great hosts, friendly members, excellent website indeed! Thanks and Write on!
-- GERVIC Author IconMail Icon
      I first started on WDC as a way to see if I was really any good at writing. I loved to write stories that others would enjoy but also I would enjoy writing. I found from my time on WDC that it is much more than just a place to display your work and see if there is a fan base to sell your work too. It is a home away from home, with a large family that stand behind you through it all. They will pat you on the back for a job well done as will as hold you up while pointing out errors they find.
My family has grown and grown with each new perosn that comes to this site. The one thing I have found it that in great times my family is here but in hard times they are huddled around me send out all their good engery to me to help me back up. I can not stress how much I love this site, one that not only lets me make friends with my fellow writers but to be a part of something bigger. I hear all the time how fun facebook is or another social site is, but this site is far better to me than any other. With no other drama than the ones you read in a great story. I have now sent seven teens to this site, where they have signed up for their own accounts, inculding my middle daughter. All have found they are on WDC more than they are on any other site and love not only being able to post their own work but being able to read things from other writers that help them become better writers. I can not thank this site enough for all it has done for me. My passion for writing is back and I have found I write a lot more since I came here then I did before joining. *Heart*
      What do I think of Writing.com? I think this site has amazing features that are viewed by many loved fans. This site has three things to change; it helps inspire others, helps with dreams, and it helps with imagination. I'm new here, and yet, I've already easily caught on! Writing.com is a fun, active site and it is extremely easy to learn about.
      Writing.com. How did I get through my days before this site? I love it here. I've met some great people, had some excellent feedback on my stories and read some truly excellent and interesting work. If I can't sign on here at least once a day I start to have withdrawals. I feel at home here and after a stressful day at work, I come here to relax. Thanks to the authors, staff, and dedicated volunteers on this wonderful place. Thanks again. simply2012
      Writing.com is the best site by far on the internet for anyone who is looking for feedback on their talents. It's helped me grow and learn more about my own writing, as well as see how unique others are with their craft. WdC is an addiction, and one I'm very proud to have! You couldn't pull me away from here, no matter what! -Angus-
-- Angus Author IconMail Icon
      Its been one year since I joined WDC, and let me say, I love this place. I've met new people, made new friends, and in my point of view, I've really improved my writing skills. The writers here are very nice, and the ones I've met are very helpful. I'm so glad I found this place, and I hope I can spend many more years here!
      It's been my first birthday on WDC and I can't believe how far I've come. This time last year, I had just started my first chapter in my Draco Malfoy fanfic, now I am still continuing that, and yet my writing skills have developed greatly, and I have branched off to write other things too. I would just lkike to thank WDC for making this an amazing year for me, and I hope to show you some great things.
-- Ridley Author IconMail Icon
      I joined writing.com only a few months ago, afflicted with a serious case of writer's block. Happily, the condition is in remission because this site motivated me to keep on writing and to keep studying my creative writing course. I have been able to submit two articles for publication in community magazines since I joined. Thank you writing.com.
      There's no other writing sites that match Writing.com. This is a place I called it my second home!
      Writing.com provides a solid, user-friendly, interpersonal, virtual environment for like-minded individuals with genuinely creative abilities or an interest to learn to come together. The lessons in which you learn, friends you make, and contacts achieved will purely depend on your motivation to learn, read, write, or present to others your unique contributions to society globally, and all through Writing.com !
-- W.C Author IconMail Icon
      Finding a decent blogging website for writers is strangely difficult. I searched the web for a period of about two or three days before I found writing.com. It's arguably the best blogging site for writers that exists today. Not only do I get great feedback and confidence boosters, but I also get to read creative pieces of fiction by other authors!
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