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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!Open in new Window.
Showing 226 through 250 of 1,143 total testimonials

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      Mollyjeep writing wrote a testimonial in 07 about how the community here has inspired her writing and the friendships/bonds created are the greatest thing that could have happened to her. I find that amazing because that is my same exact sentiment in 09! This site is the absolute truth when it comes to the art of reading and writing. And the site protocol is unmatched with (any) other site i've ever seen! It was a blessing (stumbling) into WDC.
      Writing.com brings out the writer in me, it's as if a spirit of flight resides here, it just picks you up on its way to greater heights. I too, seem to be writing more and more-I find much honesty and encouragement here, and most of all others just like me...serious, playful and talented!
      Amazing site. Writing.com truly is. I haven't been here a month and my creations have been viewed over 100 times! I simply enjoy putting emotions into words...yet I'm seemingly being transformed into someone who truly enjoys writing!

Even if you just like to jot words on paper, this site is for you! At first it seems a little wierd putting your words in the public eye...but then you receive such helpful and motivational reviews!

Now I log into this site a couple times a day. I work at a hotel, and most of my day I am at least logged in to my account. I simply created a free acount...then recieved a free upgrade!

It takes 5 minutes to join this site...5 minutes! After that your in! If you love to write, Writing.com is the place to be; if you love to read, Writing.com is the place to be.
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for less than one week. In that short time, I have received more advice and encouragement than I have in a lifetime. What a wonderful, diverse and kinetic community of helpful and insightful authors and readers.

I declare it the best site for a budding writer that I have ever found, and am proud to call it my new home, on the web.

D. Harris Blacke
      I get quite the experience since finding, and being on writing.com. I not only get to play around in crosswords, search words, In & Outs and campfires, but I also gain experience by reviewing other people's items.

By reviewing and noticing areas that could use improvement, or by seeing how someone else did something in story, I learn so much. It doesn't cost a lot for this privilege, especially if you consider the trial membership, and the free one. I've met some fun and interesting people on here too. Thank you so much for creating such a well organized and user-friendly site.
      I joined writing.com because I want to develop the art i have, i know, implanted through the deepest walls of my veins--that I can write with beauty.

Still I need some workouts and practice and with this site, I am able to enhance writing as well as enjoying every pieces I could get from here. Thanks a lot.
      I thank the dieties every day for Writing.com. If it wasn't for here, I wouldn't be trying to write anymore, and I definitely would have never found Bob. It has enhanced my life more than anyone can know and blessed me with some of the best things in my life. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough.
      I have been looking all over the net for a decent writing website, but when I found WDC, it was way beyond being decent. I have been here for about a month short of a year and I have enjoyed every moment of it! The members of Writing.Com are a friendly and helpful bunch, not to mention the handy tools that the website provides and the many different varieties of static or interactive stories it has to offer. To be blunt, if you haven't joined already, do so NOW, you won't ever regret it!
-- Willum Author IconMail Icon
      I have been visiting "WRITING.COM"for about two weeks now and my free trial expires in 29 days! I will be picking a package to stay here because as a new writer I feel very comfortable here. I am glued here every evening. I am learning so much.
Thanks to one and all.
      Writing.Com is home. Its the place I wake up in the morning.
Where I used to spill mornings' fresh thoughts onto paper,
I now type in a place I remember. I nourish myself on writing.com
experiencing worlds of our own creation. I share feelings and thoughts
as I walk through our worlds created alone…with each other. And I care
how you feel as you read my experience,
when I entered the world of your item.

Writing.com is not just for "writers;"
its for you and for me to share company,
in our minds and on internet paper.
Thanks for the opportunity to say how EYE feel
to the world about writing.com.

I love you. and writing.com.
      This is a wonderful site, I can not say enough about it, there is always something for everyone to read and lots of motivation given to writers to write! I am a writer and cannot express how awesome this site is! Rock On WDC!
      Writing.com surrounds me with the artistic community of fellow writers I have been missing. I have enjoyed writing ever since kindergarten and the nuns gave me a jumbo pencil. Starting in my late teens I immersed myself in the artistic community where I lived in San Francisco. Bohemian evenings spent sharing our latest poems was a special time. I have find some of that same cameraderie here, enriching my life, feeding my spirit, and inspiring my creativity.
-- peach Author IconMail Icon
      I woke up one morning and burned to write...I just had to and I knew that! I have questioned myself over and over again of why I gave it up.

I know the answer finally. Searching the internet and visiting various places I found that Writing.Com was for me. Where else could I have been able to write and be more creative than I ever dreamed? Writers, friends and feedback galore! My second home is Writing.Com!
      I'm what they call a "Newbie". I stumbled upon writing.com 4 days ago while surfing for ideas to improve my passion: writing. My life hasn't been the same since. Now, I'm no computer whiz, but I had no trouble clicking here and clicking there and navigating through the site. I thought, "Ok - this is neat, but chaaachingg - how much is this gonna cost me?" You know what it cost me to register as a member? NADA - Nothing - Zip. So I jumped in and started writing, reviewing, and communicating with encouraging, compasionate authors. I've learned alot in these past 4 days and I'm even starting writing classes through WDC (that stands for "writing.com") by using the points I've earned from the many generous authors on the site. I sign on to WDC in the morning and before I know it, it's dark outside and I realize I haven't eaten, fed my dog, read the paper, watched TV, or even drank my wine I poured hours ago. Watch out Stephen King, here I come.
      You hear a lot about the "friends" that people make at WDC. When I first joined I was a little skeptical about all this. I have come to believe that it is not only possible to make friends, but comrades, allies, mentors, teachers, and pals. I wanted to enter a small town magazine short story contest where I live. I didn't want just to enter this contest, I wanted to win it. I asked seven or eight fellow WDC members if they would be kind enough to read my story and comment on it. Everyone of them did. Some said they would get to it during their lunch brake, or after they got home from work, in other words they had to find time to do what I asked them to do, and they did find the time and they offered me the best advice they could. I would define that as friendship. What else could you call it. I haven't heard back yet whether I won or not. I know I have a good shot at it. I LOVE WDC!
      When I joined this site three years ago, I couldn't read, much less write. I was working as a debt collector and could barely operate a shovel. Now though I'm Sarah Palin's speech writer and I owe it all to this site! Not only that, but it cured my baldness and I no longer suffer from psoriasis! Where would I be without WdC... certainly not married to a Bavarian bikini model! SCORE! Thank you, WdC!
-- Z.˚rz Author IconMail Icon
      WDC came into my life, I think, when I needed it. Here was a family in which I truly belonged. A place to formalize the language of one's heart, be it joy, pain, sun, rain. What a gift this group of talented people has been to me! The writers here have helped me, pushed me, given me invaluable inspiration. I thank you with all my heart.
Karla Cruz
      I was introduced to Writing.com by my sixth grade english teacher. I was always an avid writer using a great amount of verbs, adjectives, nouns and other literary devices. Today, I still write and I meet a lot of great writers that I hope will someday become great authors and influence others about the importance of reading and writing. I also am fond of the positive feedback from everyone! Literature is essential. I love literature! How do you think I became litlove? Thanks Writing.com! And everyone else, I encourage you to write on!!!

My Personal quote:"We might all be young or old or have tough times, but inside us we are great authors in our own personal opinions. Reading is fun but writing is going above and beyond with your own ideas used to encourage others who are close or not." Remember that always.
      I have always loved writing, its a passion. I had never really felt comfortable sharing anything of my own with anybody, but ever since that day I found writing.com I have learned to except critism gracefully, and enjoy the good comments of my writing. All the members of writing.com are very friendly and truthful, if anything WDC is best website to enjoy writing your work, and reading others!
      I've searched through dozens of writing groups on and offline, and couldn't find anything that managed to give me that inspiration I was looking for, until Writing.Com. Joining the site, not only have I gotten more ideas but everything is just plain easier and more fun to write. Thanks Writing.Com!!!
      I love writing.com, before I couldn't even dream of writing, but I had so many ideas bouncing in my head! I found this website and it clicked, could this help me? I am very happy with my progress in my stories, and I just want to say thanks! ~Nayen Kado
-- Nayen Author IconMail Icon
      Hi Ladii Lovely here thanks to writing.com i was able to share my love of poetry and at the same time get positive feedback from people who share my interests. I find great joy in knowing there is a place for me to express my toughts in writing.
      I am very thankful for WDC. I found WDC and joined when my son left for Iraq the first time. I found support here and caring, kind, generous souls. I have learned to write more proficiently and more prolificly. I find myself writing all the time now.
      Since joining writing.com,it has become my savour,not long ago one was ready to give up on all things beautiful.I started writing to help release some of those idiosincrasys that life seems to bombard us with, and to finely stop suffering in silence. We all need to release those presures,it is the best place to help heal and learn at the same time.Thanks heaps writing.com
-- Shadow Author IconMail Icon
      It has given me an outlet to express anger,fear and other emotions and helped me work through them by giving me the opportunity to share
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