Printed from https://p15.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2127083-kid-dangers-danger
by meggie
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #2127083
kid danger gets hurt from a fighting
once upon a time there was a boy named henry hart. he was on the way to work. just then he saw three people beating up a young lady. he went down a street alley. he then took out his bubblegum and blew a bubble and turned into KID DANGER. he then came out of the alley. "hey you three." they turned to see him. "yah what." they asked angry. "stop beating up that innocent young lady." "what if we don't." "then i'll make you." kid danger then ran at them and jumped on them. the young lady ran up to junk n stuff. ray and gooch were talking inside.
in the store ray and gooch were talking when the lady came into the store. they turned to see the lady out of breath. "mam are you okay." "i am but you have to help kid danger. he helped me from three guys attacking me. their down the street." ray was getting worried. he went into the back room. he tooko out his bubblegums and chewed his bubble and turned into CAPTAIN MAN. he came out of the back room. "stay here i'll go help kid danger." so he ran outside and went to go help his partner
back at the fight kid danger thought he was doing ok. then one of the guys took out a knife. he stabbed it in kid danger's side. "nooooo." they heard captain man scream. he saw the guys stab kid danger. he ran up to the guys and knocked them out. he tooko the guys to a pole and tied them up. then he took out his phone and called the police to come pick them up then he called an ambulance. "hi yes my partner kid danger has been stabbed please hurry. were on nickel road. yes please hurry." he went to his partners side. he bent down. "kid." "captain man." "i'm here buddy I called an ambulance they should be here soon." "did I save that lady." "yah she's fine you saved her. now were going to save you. your going to be fine. kid i'm not letting you go." he wanted to take out the knife but he didn't want to do anymore damage to his partner. then a ambulance came up to them. the cops not far behind. then the ambulance people came up next to them with a cot. they lowered it down. "how bad is it captain man." "i don't know I didn't even look at it. I left it there so I didn't do anymore damage to him. please you got to help him." "were going to do our best captain man." they lifted kid danger onto the cot. "do you want to come with us to the hospital." "yes please I need to be with him." "of course." they got him into the ambulance captain man got in and stayed by kid dangers side. he grabbed his partners hand so his partner knew that he was there. tears started coming down his cheeks. he looked at his partner the whole entire ride to the hospital. all he could think of was what would he tell henry's parents if henry didn't survive this ordeal. then they got to the hospital. he helped the people roll him down the hall. "you have to stay here. don't worry we won't take his mask off. were going to go in and see what damage that the knife did. we will come out and give you the info after. is there someone we need to call for you." he just shook his head no. he wanted to call gooch swoz and charlotte himself. charlotte could call jasper into work if they all wanted to come or they could close the store and all come. he really didn't want to see jasper right now but he was now one of the crew now. he realized that jasper has been faithful so far. he hasn't told anyone whose who yet that he known. he realized that maybe he misjudged jasper all together and need to put more trust in him. he's been there to help them when they needed it. he'd be there for henry and ray. even though he was annoying he was good help. so he picked up his phone and called gooch. "hey gooch I just arrived at hospital with kid danger. of you want to come down and maybe call and tell the others about what happened you can close down and come down if you want. yes you can call jasper. gooch he's been very helpful to the crew. I realized that I need to put more faith and trust in him. he kept the secret good so far. I've been wrong about him. I know he's annoying but I have to show him my trust and faith in him. he's been a good friend to me and henry so far." then he hung up the phone. he took a seat in one of the chairs. he put his face in his hands and started crying. what would he do if he lost henry/kid danger. he loved the boy like a son like a brother and his best friend. he didn't know if he keep going on without him if he died. he started thinking of the fun they all had with henry. he then realized he also had to put more faith and trust into his partner to and stop teasing him and laughing at his problems and listen and be more serious to him since he loved the kid. "captain man." he turned to see the whole crew coming to him. "so what happened." "kid danger came up to three men. henry came up to three men attacking a young woman. the lady came to the store and got me. I came out to help kid danger. when I got there I saw one of them stab him in the side. I took them out called the police and the ambulance. they came and now their in there trying to save him and see how much damage the knife did to him. they went in five minutes ago. so it hasn't been long." they all sat with him. then the nurse came out. captain man stood up and went to her. "there was just a little knick to the lung but they saved him. stopped the bleeding and sowed him up. he should be fine. you got one lucky partner. kid danger is one lucky boy captain man." "thank you can I see him now." "they just rolled him into a recovery room come with me." they all followed the nurse. captain man was relieved to hear that kid danger was going to be fine. school was out so he knew that henry wouldn't miss school. the nurse showed them the room. "thank you nurse." they went in except captain man. "hey charlotte come here for a minute." "what's up cap." "can you do me a favor sometime today doesn't have to be now but at sometime text his mom and say he went on a junk run trip with me so she knows where he is. I don't want to alarm her with this." "oh sure no problem. probably best not to tell her this." "yah just tell her he's on a trip with me." "ok sure. no problem." "thanks." then he took a deep breath and went into the room where his partner was laying. man he didn't like the way he looked. he had tubes around his face. his side was wrapped up. they had to take the top part of the uniform off to get to the wound which was fine. he was relieved that they didn't take the mask off. they could if they needed to but they didn't. jasper was holding his hand and the others were just watching him sleep. captain man took a chair to the other side of henry that jasper wasn't on and held kid danger's hand. charlotte then left the room for a minute. I saw her take out her phone. I guess she was going to call now just to get it over with. after I saw her leave I looked back at kid. "henry i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry I didn't get there faster or this wouldn't of happened. this is the second time you got hurt as kid danger. this time it wasn't cause of me I know but I feel like I should of been with you the whole time. i'm sorry you had to fight the whole thing. and I want you to know that I had total and complete faith and trust in you that you could handle these guys alone without me. you probably thought you were doing fine which I know you were. you probably didn't see the guy take the knife out. that you couldn't defend yourself there but I have total faith in you in anything now. and when you get better i'll let you punch or hit me every time I try to go after your mom cause I know how you feel If I go after your mom. and you can punch and hit me if I laugh or tease you about your problems. I just want you to know I love you as my son my brother and my best friend. i'm telling you kid that I need you. I need you in my life. I wouldn't be able to go on if you left me. I wouldn't be feeling like a captain but more like a loser. I couldn't bear to lose you my boy. your my boy and my danger boy. and your my kid danger. I know it wouldn't help but I know It probably would help if I fired you but I know you would argue with me so i'm not going to argue and i'm not going to fire you. even if it would be the best idea to keep you safe. I also know you'd probably try to get your job back if I fired you. and i'd been hurting you if I fired you. that's the last thing i'd want to do to you kid. i'm not firing you or losing you today kid. i'm stuck with you and your stuck with me forever kid." "you better not fire me captain man cause your right i'm not going anywhere and your right i'm stuck with you and your stuck with me forever and ever and I love you as my father my brother and best friend and I do think I did do good today. and your right I didn't see the knife." "i didn't know you could hear me." he said squeezing kid dangers hand. "i wasn't completely asleep I was slightly asleep." he tried to open his eyes. "man are they insane that's bright." then he tried again and his eyes adjusted. he looked over at captain man. captain man smiled at him. henry could tell that he was crying. he gave him a smile. charlotte came back into the room. "his parents said its fine they are going out of town after dinner and they were taking piper with them this time on their trip." "well then that wasn't a problem did they say how long they would be gone?" "two weeks apparently." "ok good hopefully kid should be a little bit better by the time they get back. hey that seemed easy. I thought that it be a problem but it wasn't." "hey cap. even though I thought I was doing fine thanks for trying to come help. I knew I could take them on by myself. they guy surprised me with the knife. i'll probably have to stay here the whole two week in this hospital." "actually kid your going to be able to leave in two day as long as you don't do anymore fighting till that wound heals up." "don't worry I won't let him do any fighting till he is all healed up. right kid." "right I don't think I could fight with this." then the nurse left. "where will I go ray. I can't go down the elevator with the wound and I don't think going down the tube with help either." "relax kid i'll have shwoz slow down the tube dropping for you he can do that." "really." "yah I can do that. you'll be fine going down the tube in your health." "ray I don't want to burden you with my health and injury's also I don't want you to feel like you have to slave on me." "kid you'll never be a burden to me. I love you kid. that won't change. and I meant it about hitting me if I go after you mom again. and I will never take your father's place. I love you like my son but I will never replace your fathers place." "i know ray. I know you wouldn't take his place even if I love you like my father. I know you wouldn't take his place. and I know I get upset when you go after my mom I just get embarrassed when you do. I know you won't but it just feels like your trying to replace my dad with my mom. trying to get him out of the picture all together." "kid I will never replace your dad with your mom or with you and I will stop. I do have a woman problem and i'm going to try to stop and get some help if you can help me out it would be great." "thanks ray and you know that I will always help you if you ask. we're there for each other. I know I have to start calling you captain man when your in uniform like now but I thought since we're alone I could call you ray." "kid you call me ray whenever were alone with these guys in public when ever you want when we're alone of course. you can call me dad ray or father if you like but if your uncomfortable with that its if I won't be upset. but you will never be alone so don't ever doubt that I will never leave you alone. not even now. they can't kick me out ever." "ray I always wanted to call you dad but I never ever want to upset you or make you uncomfortable with it. and I will never leave your side ever. and don't you ever doubt that to ray never doubt that." "i know kid. and I wouldn't of been upset or uncomfortable with you calling me dad. if father is not the word dad is just fine." "and ray if you want to call me son I would be fine by that. I actually like hearing that from you. i'll be glad to be your adopted son." then he looked at the others. "i'm sorry I didn't talk to you guys yet." "it's ok your dad and you had to get things out." "yah its cool with me to." "jasper I love you as another brother charlotte your like another sister to me and swoz you may be annoying sometimes but your like an uncle to me. listen jasper. I know we get annoyed with you sometimes and you are annoying sometimes. it doesn't mean I like you any less your my brother my best friend I could ever could have. I know ray wanted to erase your brain cause of your." "annoyance I know." "i just couldn't let it happen since we've been friends for so long." "look I know I can be annoying sometimes. I can't help it. but now that I know who you guys are i'm trying to be less annoying and hyper." "i know man and your doing a good job. you've even kept our secret good so far I know. and henry's right when I was out in the waiting room I have realized that I need to have faith and trust you more than I give you. you have kept your promise and not tell anyone. if I were ever to get mad at you for no reason punch me. if I forget just remind me." "i couldn't punch you. your my best friend. and I know that I can be pretty annoying a lot I can't help it." "jasper I know my friend to but you know i'm indestructible so I can't get hurt. i'm serious about hitting me jasper. I may deserve it sometimes." "henry I love you as my best friend and my brother to." "i love you as a sister and my best friend. I meant to say that but sister just came out. I would hug you guys right now but I don't think that is wise right now with my side." he then looked back at captain man. he gave him a smile. he held out his hand and captain man grabbed it. he held henry's hand in both of his hands. "will you hold me please." so captain man sat on henry's bed. he let henry's head go into his lap. he had his hand on kids shoulder. he rubbed his back. he could see that henry was crying. he was probably in pain. "i'll go see if they can give him anything for the pain." "thanks shwoz." so swoz left the room crying. henry told him that he loved him like a uncle. he also love the kid.
© Copyright 2017 meggie (capman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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