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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2157052
There is beauty in all things!
My Outlook on everyday things.

Seeing is believing,  the eyes are the way to the soul.

They say that the eyes are the door to your soul.
They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired,
even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture?
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May 31, 2018 at 12:05am
May 31, 2018 at 12:05am
I'm sure that I'm not the only one feeling this. It's Wednesday, Hump day as some call it. This one is more like Bum day for most of the country...lol While most of the East part of the country is getting soaked today.

I, myself was enjoying listening to it rain and at one time was totally sitting in front of the window with my nose glued to the window. It was raining so hard it was taking branches off of the tree. Then at one point it stopped, so I go about my chores.

I decided to make lunch for Marlin, Gunner and myself. Mmmm... tuna, jalapeños, tomatoes and ranch dressing. I sit down watching outside again through my big picture window. I love it, because I get to see the world drive by all day long. The wind has now picked up again and I'm not sure what I'm seeing so I get up to look closer.

My nose pressed against one of the window panes. It's raining on just the highway and it's raining sideways. It's not raining in my yard, just down the highway. It looks like it's chasing after the cars and trucks that just passed.

So, I stand there watching it and I look down and Gunner has his nose pressed against one of the bottom window panes. He looks up at me with those big gorgeous golden brown eyes of his and wags his tail.

I ask him, "Did you see the rain going sideways?

He barks in reply and wags his tail again, while he struts over for me to pet him. He looks up at me again with those beautiful eyes. They just make you want to melt.

"I swear if your were a man you'd have every woman after you." I tell him.

He barks his "Oh, yeah Nana, at me. Follows me back to finish our lunch. It isn't nothing for these two boy's to follow me non-stop, all day, just to see what I'm up too.

Well, I think they are down for the night and I'm off to do some dishes and then some reviews.

May your night be blessed, tell your family that you love them as they turn in. To my WdC family goodnight. 🤗💖🤗
May 29, 2018 at 12:01am
May 29, 2018 at 12:01am
What a Weekend ☀️🌦️☀️

As we wrap up our weekend, celebrating our Military Knight's, Hero's, Soldier's we take this time to honor them. A special day, but to those who love, live, and dream of their coming home safe. I also salute those families that sacrifice the loss, departures and loneliness of their loved ones.

I want to thank all Military and their families for the sacrifices that they make, to keep total stranger's safe. May God bless you and keep you safe. Love always from the bottom of my heart.

It was a short, but long weekend. I suffered heat exhaustion Sunday. While driving home from church service, my car dead every 10 miles. I would pull over in a safe area and let it rest. I know sounds funny, but trust me it wasn't. The day was partly cloudy with the humidity at 100%.

I sat there waiting in my car reading my Bible and praying. Remembering what my Pastor said, I did just that. Never think God has left you, He hasn't, He is beside you always. Just trust in Him, He will always be there.

I posted on FB, about what I was doing on my Sunday afternoon. My Pastor's messaged me, my son's messaged and called me. It had taken me an hour to go 17 miles. I still had 18 more to go to get home.

It was getting hotter, I did at one point, have a cool breeze. I have no a/c, no radio and no lights. I knew I had plenty of time to get home, but it was getting Hotter.

My son, Jeremy, calls me back a third time, to find out where I was exactly. He told me that he was on his way to follow me home. He made it to where I was 20 minutes later. He followed me, he called me and told me that I needed to pull over that he needed to see what it was doing.

So I made it to a safe area to pull over. Which was 3 miles from home. It chugged and sputtered, just a mile from home it starts to die, then it takes off.

"Are you doing that?" I ask.

"No my foots not on the gas paddle!" he blurts out.

"See, I told you something is wrong with it." I said.

He guns it to go up the hill, and back down, so we can go up the hill again into my driveway. We are afraid that we will have to push it up the hill to the driveway. I'm praying for it to get there. Just as he starts to climb the last hill it starts stalling and dies in the driveway and takes off again up the driveway which has a slight incline. Thank you , Jesus.

My car will be going nowhere except the shop her next trip.

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May 24, 2018 at 2:08pm
May 24, 2018 at 2:08pm
Good morning everyone, well it's still morning in some parts. It is a beautiful glorious day here in West Alabama and yes I feel the humidity raising. May God control that Mother Nature issue for us all. We as humans always have something to complain about, don't we?

I'm not here today to complain, just giving you the flip side to my world. I fell the other day and hurt my entire body. So, it's taking a few days for me to recuperate from the injuries. I do have to say, when God wants you to stop and listen He provides it somehow someway. I have been over doing it lately and my back is crying out in pain everyday.

But, I can't stand this anymore. I feel like the world is leaving me behind. So, I have been doing things that I'm not suppose to be doing. I feel better about it, but I pay for it in the long run. I now have my days and nights mixed up, because I can't sleep due to the excruciating pain at night. I'm not one to take pain meds, they cause more problems then it's worth. I give it to the Almighty God for the day and it goes away temporarily. But, that's alright because it gives me a chance to talk to Him.

I found that giving it to Him makes my day glorious and being in His presence is worth it.
Yesterday, we had a T38 go down at our base. The pilots are safe, but I'm sure they are sore as well as I am. They are thanking the Lord above for sparing their life's yesterday. There were no other injuries except the plane is apparently unflyable.

My son Jeremy use to work on that base on the flight line. My son Eric, did his pilot training there. So this has hit close to home for us. You can look it up www.wcbinews.com Columbus AFB in Columbus, MS. We all are thanking God that there was no-one killed.

We take this time to pray for all our military, veterans, recruit's and their families. As we go into this Memorial weekend. God hold them in your hands and protect them as they protect us. Give them the tools to do so against our enemies. Protect them as they put on their coats of armor to do the battle needed. Protect our families across this vast world of ours. Give them comfort as they return to their homes, that it was not all in vain. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

I want to thank all our veterans and soldiers here on WdC for protecting us as we go about our day. I dedicate this to Survivor48 Sum1's In San Francisco 🌕 HuntersMoon Joey's So Hot He's Melting Schnujo's in Alabama If I have missed anyone and you have served this great country, please forgive me. Let me know and I'll add you here.

Love your day and your family,

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May 23, 2018 at 12:49am
May 23, 2018 at 12:49am
Was an easy day today, didn't do much. I know that I'm to look at everything from the beauty of it all. But, getting older sucks sometimes. I was pushing 2 boxes down the hall yesterday evening going along pretty good. Until I was abruptly stopped, a part of the vinyl tile floor was sticking up. I went flying through the air and landed in the closet, hurting, I think every part of my body.

My head hit the door and I landed on my side, but not until my back hit the other 2 doors. I twisted both knees, ankles and my back. I was able to get up and make it to the couch. I sat there for a few minutes, trying to shake it off. I decided to go to bed and try to relax, but I fell asleep about 9 pm ish, I woke up at 1 am hurting all over and had problems going back to sleep.

So here comes my day, not so good, I think I might have really damaged something. Have no way to go to the doctor. So hopefully I will get better soon. On the upside I did get a nap ...lol
The beauty in getting hurt, it slows you down. I did get to see more Day Lilies bloom today. I have around 100 blossoms through out this yard, waiting to bloom. I can't wait for them all to burst open in the next couple of days.

May God give you time to see the world bloom around you.
Hugzzzzz goodnight,
May 21, 2018 at 1:31am
May 21, 2018 at 1:31am
Goodnight all, I'm exhausted from fighting with my internet/data this week. Praying for a better way for me. I had a extremely busy weekend, a Royal wedding, a Alabama Royal wedding my point of view, (which I did post it in my blog by the way, it didn't take I guess.) Save it for another day. We had a glorious Baby Dedication at church today, lunch with a dear friend, then another friend called me and asked me to join her at a Finding Favor concert. That ended up in the town I live in, so awesome. Yes, folks I seem not to get out much ...lol. Not even in my town of 4731, had no idea about that either, more than I thought. It's been raining a lot and I like to watch it not drive in it so much. Well, the sky just unzipped again and I'm listening to the heavy rain, thunder and lightning. Oh, what a glorious sound. That only means more flowers, aghh and taller grass 🤔
Sweet dreams my friends,

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May 17, 2018 at 5:35pm
May 17, 2018 at 5:35pm
☔ ⛈️ 🌦️ 🌧️ 🌦️ ⛈️ ☔

What a beautiful gorgeous day. I'm sitting here looking out of my picture window. Oh man, is it a picture of beauty beyond belief. It's been raining some off and on all day, but for the most part of it is has been over casted. Which I'm enjoying, because there is no humidity or heat. That is the way I love it. You know that perfect temperature of 70°. I wish you could see out of my living room window, but since you can't, I will describe it to you. There is a comfortable chair of olive green with geometric designs in beige, brown and tan sitting in front of it, my blue and white diamond shaped curtains are pulled back to let the sunshine in. The green grass and gravel driveway are slightly wet from the rain that just passed. The tree's are lushes green, there is a Magnolia tree off to the left with white flowers upon it. The mailbox is at the road to the right of the drive. Where there is a Wisteria growing, wrapping itself around the Elm tree at the end of the drive. Cars and trucks are passing or should I say zooming every 20 to 30 seconds. It starts about 7:30am and stops around 6:30pm, but continues lighter traffic after that until about midnight. Across the highway is the Taylor property it is all trees. Their house sets back aways from the road. Can't really blame them, but I have gotten use to the traffic noise. No different than being in the city, I guess. I had a wonderful friend Spiritual Dawning tell me once. You're so lucky to live in the country with all that green. I'm blessed beyond belief my friend. God knew what he was doing when he planted me here. I might only be here for a season or it might be for life. I'm very thankful I have a roof over my head. I'm at peace here most day's unless it's extremely hot or cold ...lol. But, God has plans for me and mine.
May you have a great outlook on life and a very blessed day and evening my friends.
May 16, 2018 at 12:49am
May 16, 2018 at 12:49am
What a day, I have gotten a lot accomplished, but I still feel behind. But, what I needed to get done, that didn't happen so much. I have a mental block and struggling with my lesson#3 and getting my reviews done for this month. But, my mind isn't wrapping around either one. Don't get me wrong I have the story I want to write. But, every time I sit down to do it I get stuck and end up doing something else.
How do you get inspired to get the job done? Maybe that's what I'm feeling at the moment like it's a job? I just don't have any ideas. Help Rhoswen - Relentless Victory Sum1's In San Francisco Jay O'Toole 🌕 HuntersMoon Angus Patrece ~ papadoc1 eyestar~* how do you get kick started 🤔
May 10, 2018 at 8:16pm
May 10, 2018 at 8:16pm
Although it has been a day of pain for me. I have found that I had new flowers blooming in my yard. Day Lilies, one of my favorites. It amazes me how there is so many beautiful things in this world that some people, ignore for some reason or other. Then there are those who can't enjoy the beauty at all.

I'm so blessed to be able to see them, smell them and to touch them. I had to refrain from cutting them and bring them in. But, I know that they would live longer outside then in a jar setting on the table. So I left them outside so everyone could enjoy the beauty and fragrance that they give.

May your day be blessed with joy and peace,
May 8, 2018 at 10:03pm
May 8, 2018 at 10:03pm
What a beautiful glorious day it was today. I painted trim outside 6 pieces took all day, but it was sunny and beautiful. The boy's had fun running the yard and lying on the concrete while I was painting. The boys are Gunner and Marlin (grand-dogs) ... lol. It was a very long colddddd winter and so glad that we can get out and enjoy the wonderful weather. All the flowers blooming and the grass growing. Poor 😷 Jay O'Toole and 🌕 HuntersMoon 🤠 having to cut grass and dust now 🤧
But, think of all the beauty that you have to share with others now. Allergy medicine here we come, so we may smell the rose's.
May everyone have a beautiful glorious day, stay blessed.

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May 7, 2018 at 1:02pm
May 7, 2018 at 1:02pm
How do you get along with someone who thinks they are always right? Do you just let them keep on believing that they are right and you are wrong? By no means are you right all the time too. So, how do you keep the peace in a relationship that your not really sure if you want it or not? But, what if it's important to someone that you love, that you get along with that person.

As Christian's, we are suppose to turn the other cheek, but how many times do you have to? The answer, as many times as it takes, but you are also to take up for yourself. Not to be walked on repeatedly by the same person. Now, how to do it in a Christian like manner. You need to show by your words and by your actions. It is hard to get along with others sometimes. But, there is always a way to do so.

Sometimes you can find that very hard to do. You can sit and stew about it until you boil over or you can walk away and cool down. If it's a relationship that you cherish then you need to fight to keep it alive. Don't let it die just because you have difference of opinions. You ask what if it's not a relationship worth keeping? All relationship's are worth keeping as far as God is concerned. He will take that person out of your life if they are not to be there. We all have experienced this in our life's at some point.

So the question is what is it worth to you? A long time friend is a cherished friend. I have lots around this country. Ranging from school friends, co-workers, friends of friends, church family and online friends.

May your day be blessed beyond belief my friends.

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