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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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September 20, 2024 at 10:47am
September 20, 2024 at 10:47am
Boston, Ma

         The week of 9/10/24 found me smack-dab in the center of Boston, Massachusetts. I was with the city, specifically the Boston PD, FD, and EMS people. Being in the center of a major city, I didn't rent a car, I used Uber all week. It's easier on me not driving in that traffic, less expensive in reality. I had decent restaurants nearby, and walked to them each night.

         This is my first time in the city of Boston. I've flown in and out of Logan Airport several times, so that's not brand new to me. Have I told you I don't like large cities? I much prefer living in a city the size of Bloomington. Bloomington is actually Bloomington/Normal. The two cities/towns have gradually merged over the years, I live in the southern part of the town, in Bloomington. So I prefer smaller cities/municipalites over large Urban areas, the lifestyle there suits me better, I'm much more comfortable living there than I was in the Chicago Suburbs.

         The class itself flew by, it's one of those that I'm the only qualified instructor (who can travel) that delivers it. I've gone to using Powerpoint slides only on the first half of the first day. After that, it's almost all hands-on activities for the students. I mean, no one likes 'Death By Powerpoint' after all. When delivering Powerpoint class material, I see the looks on some faces, and think of the movie, "Ferris Bueler's Day Off". Yeah, sometimes I see those faces from the movie.

         And of course, with the Boston PD technicians in class, they all sat together. As did the Boston FD Techs. And you guessed it, so did the Boston EMS Techs. The key to delivering this class well, and almost any technical class, is to know their system, and how it's connected to what is known as the Core. This wasn't a system class though, but we did get off topic a few times to discuss those connections

         I arrived Monday and met with the Project Manager at the training site Monday afternoon. He and a couple of Engineers were there, and we talked about things to expect from tthe students in the class. I was 'warned' about the two students they were placing in the front row, and the subjects they would bring up. I've delivered this class many times, and have seen many types of students, and told them so. Apparently they were worried that these two might ask questions about basic RF topics that I might not be reay for. Let's just say, I was ready, and had the knowledge to easily answer their questions. One of them was older than me by about 4 years. He goes back to the old RF systems in his discussions, but I've read up all I can on that. You have to in delivering this class. We got along great! He insisted on giving me a ride to the hotel each afternoon, he had a pretty low opinion of Uber drivers. On the last day when he dropped me off he said, "Jim, I've only known you for three days, but it seems like we've known each other for a lifetime." To me, that was quite a compliment.

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         The Pearl          https://www.thepearlsouthbay.com/eat2          This was a good place to dine. The staff was excellent, not to mention the food. I had to try their New England Clam Chowder, it was a little thinner than the chowder I had at a different place (not mentionied here), I enjoyed it more. It contained plenty of clams, enough potatoes, bacon, and chives to accompany it, but not overpower it. While their Shrimp Linguini was good, the tomato sauce used in it overpowered it. There was plenty of Jumbo Shrimp in it though, that is what saved it in my eyes.

         My Current Schedule (I don't see this changing either).

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

Oct 7: Chatanooga Tennessee

Oct 14: Work from home

Oct 21: Schaumburg

Oct 28: Vacation, Akita National Specialty Dog Show

Nov 4: Seattle

Nov 11: Schaumburg

Nov 18: Schaumburg

Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Seattle

Dec 9: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 16: For Lauderdale

Dec 23: Christmas/New Years 'Relaxation'

Dec 30: Christmas/New Years 'Relaxation'

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!

Jim Dorrell
September 10, 2024 at 6:38am
September 10, 2024 at 6:38am
Frankfurt, Germany

         The Nine Days I spent in Franfurt flew past all too quickly. The class went very well with an open invitartion to return in 2025. Rondall (my contact point for the Department of State) knows I plan to retire in April, he also knows I'm tentatively sheduled to return the last week of January, and be there two weeks. We talked about courses his new techs should receive, so we'll see where this goes.

         This is my second time in Frankfurt, I was here in December 2017 and was able to experience their Christmas Market. There was no Christmas Market in August of course, but I did find a street market of sorts. A few places sold traditional German food, a few sold beer, but the biggest selling item was wine. It was crowded, but the crowds didn't bother me. I enjoyed walking thru the market, and found myself wondering why this was happening. My students said that Germans don't need a holiday to celebrate together. Being that they were all Americans, what do they know? *Smile* I kid a little, but I'm also serious. There was a reason they were gathering, but that part escaped me. I found the market on Wednesday, and dined there every night until I left on Saturday morning. Th first night I had a foot long frankfurter (not a hot dog really), and a mix of sauteed vegetables. The second night I had a much shorter Frankfurter in a bun. I forfgetr what I had Friday night. One of the benefits of all this, is that I walked far more than normal for me. I've become a bit sedentary in my old age, an enjoyed walking, no matter how much it hurt or bothered me.

         Tuesday night about half the class gathered at Moxy's Irish Pub to say Goodbye to a teammate, Mike. He had 'bid for', and gotten a post with the Embassy in New Delhi, India. He flew out the next day. It was an enjoyble time seeing the guys in an environment other than the classroom. Abbout the 'bid for'. Every 3-4 years, the bid on being assigned to an Embassy, a post. Mike had bid on the New Delhi position and gotten it. I would love to be able to do that. That kind of travel really appeals to me, and if I was 20 years younger, I'd be applying for a position with them. But I'm not, so I won't. Besides, I don't think my other half would want to move around like that, and neither one of us would want me to do this job unaccompanied. But think of the places you could go! *Laugh* No, I'm not going. I'd love to, but I'm not.

         I snapped a few photo's while out tha first weekend. Here is one of a statues of Goethe. (A repeat of a previous post)

It's a very appropriate photo of the man who is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!

Jim Dorrell
August 24, 2024 at 4:00am
August 24, 2024 at 4:00am
Weekend in Frankfurt, Germany

         Have I told you that despite the nice amenities we get to travel to an International destination, that I don't really enjoy the trip? No, it's not the destination, it's getting there. I love the destinations! I travel a lot, but not near as much as Schnujo's in Alabama & Kåre Enga in Montana . They travel for pleasure too, I travel on business. Which is better? Theirs, in my humble opinion, because they travel to destinations they want to viit. I travel where I'm scheduled to be. My internationaal destinations, though few, have been fantastic. And forgive me if I don't consider Canada an International destination. To me, Canada is our Northern Brother/Sister, an independentn country admittedly, but still, our Northern Brother/Sister.

         This is my second time in Frankfurt, I was here in December 2017 and was able to experience their Christmas Market. Essentially it was across the street from my hotel. I'm at the same hotel this time, and walked through the same area of City Center that held the market in 2017. It looks much the same really, I really enjoyed the walk,. I went back later in the evening for a reason that I'll talk about in a minute, and ended up walking twice as many steps as my daily goal in a total of 2 hours!

         Now why did I go back out when I'd already walked 1.5 times my daily goal. On my initial walk I looked for a specific supermarket in a shopping mall, but didn't find it. It never occurred to me that it would be downstairs in the lower level. I looked upstairs and on the main level, but not downstairs. Why was it so important to go there? The students in my class are holding a BBQ at 2 pm today and invited me to join them. It's a BYOB party, and while I could have arrived empty handed and be welcomed, that's not me. So I went back out, found a six pack of San Miguel (It won't be near as good as the San Miguel you can purchase in the Philippines, but it will work), and a 4 pack of a nice IPA. It will be nice to meet the guys before the class on Monday and get to know them as a person, not just as a student. I'm hoping to not talk business today, we'll see how it goes.

         I snapped a few photo's while out yesterday. Here is one of a statues of Goethe.

It's a very appropriate photo of the man who is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!

Jim Dorrell
August 23, 2024 at 11:29am
August 23, 2024 at 11:29am
Los Angeles, Callifornia

         This was my 11th time in the Los Angeles area in the last 12 months. You might think I'd grow tired of the city, but I didn't. That's mainly because half of the classes I delivered were not in downtown Los Angeles. Instead, I was out in the Alhambra/Monticello area with a different customer. It has been interesting to say the least.

         This was the second round of our networking classes for LA Unified School District (LAUSD), and what I found disappointing was that there were only 3 students in the class, the same three who attended the first go-round. Y'see, the customer is billed a specific amount for a class of up to 12 students. So sending 12 students to a class is the best 'bang for your buck' so to speak. But 3 students? Yeah, they are billed the same amount. You see what I mean. That's not for me to say though. I realize that sending someone to a class can be harder than you might think. I did that at Firestone for 2-3 years. On a Monday there would be 7-8 or more students in a class. But,the need on the manufacturing floor for a maintenance technician can override that need for training. Often I would have only 3-4 students in class come Friday. So I understand why I might only have 3 students in a class. That doesn't stop me from being disappointed. Then again, it was good in a way, because the students encountered problems completing the hands-on activities. Having only 3 in class helped me in assisting them as needed. Then, there's always that one student who really doesn't belong in the class. They lack the necessary computer skills, background knowledge, or just the ability to follow directions. Perhaps all three! Yeah, there was 'one of them' in both classes. It just makes me concentrate on helping them more as the class progresses.

         As I might have said in a previous post, this is my last full year with Motorola. I will retire early next year, at the end of April, at the latest. Why so late? I have to ensure I'm employed through the 'drop dead' date so I can receive the bonus check for 2024. It's far too much money for me to throw away. I will be checking with HR so I know what that date is. And of course, my Current Schedule is below.

Aug 19 - International Travel on 8/21, work at the Embassy the morning of 8/23 to ensure the classroom is set the way I prefer.

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel (Fly home on 8/31). No time to sight see. *Frown* My own fault, but I wanted to get home and rest for almost 2 weeks.)

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Kalispell, Montana (I might fly into Missoula because it has the nearest semi-large airport. If so, I'm hoping that Kåre Enga in Montana lives somewhere nearby. It would be good to meet him, or anyone else from WDC in the nearby area.)

Sept 30: Vacation

Oct 7: Tennessee

Oct 14: Work from home

Oct 21: Schaumburg

Oct 28: Vacation to attend the Akita National Specialty Dog Show

Nov 4: Seattle

Nov 11: Schaumburg

Nov 18: Schaumburg

Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Seattle

Dec 9: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 16: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 23: Christmas!

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!

Jim Dorrell
August 15, 2024 at 8:21pm
August 15, 2024 at 8:21pm
Cavalier, North Dakota

         It is thought that I wouldn't, or don't like being alone. Far from it. I can exist around other people, or I can just as happily exist on my own, with no one near. This is what the area of North Dakota I was in last week was like. I drove to work 1.5 hours one way, and all I could see was the horizon in all directions. Why the 1.5 hour drive? I have to use our Travel Site to make reservations, and there were no 'approved' hotels listed in Cavalier ND. The nearest ones were in Grand Forks, about 70 miles away, but 1.5 hours to drive. I loved my morning and evening commute despite the length.

         So where was I for this class? I was at Cavalier SFS Station last week for 2 days. Well geez, it took me two days of travel to get to and from this area. I flew into Fargo, ND, and stayed in Grand Forks. I love this area of the country. I could say I love any area of the country where you do not have large (or small) cities all over the place. Such was Grand Forks. Once I started driving to the base, I left what most would call Civilization, behind. Yes there were towns on my route. One particular town had no businesses in it, just houses. And very few at that. The largest town I drove through was Grafton. There was one hotel there, but I try to stay at either a Marriott, or Hilton Brand hotel, those brands were not in Grafton. Go ahead, call me spoiled. Because I am. Like I said though, I loved the drive to and from work. No, I didn't really see the towns becauseI was just passing through and didn't want to spend time seeing what the town had to offer.

         The class was an easy one to deliver, and I will 'brag' a little and say that the customer (Space Force at Cavalier SFS) was very pleased with my delivery. I hope so, I spent a couple of days editing the course materials, combining courses so I would deliver information only equipment they were using. I added drawings of their system layout and IP address plan to show them what they had. So all in all, a two day class was recieved very well. I didn't say this to them, but the current Sgt (an E-6, I learned) who is in charge of the radio group was 'just a kid'! Geez, he looked like he belonged in College still. His relief, a Master Sgt (an E-7, I also learned that) looked just as young. But when I think back to my career, we were 20 something men (we were really kids!), operating and maintaining a multi-million dollar nuclear reactor. For example, I was 23 when I tested and was advanced to E-6. Yeah, I need to calibrate my eyes, huh.

         First, I apologize for the quality of the photo. I was about a mile away anad because yours truly left his camera and telephoto lens in his van, I had only my phone to use. Holy Cow, this building has 6-foot thick Concrete walls surrounding it. It's designed to withstand a direct hit, but I don't remember if that included a Nuclear Attack or not. No RF/WiFi signals can get in or out. The white area in the photo contains hundreds of small radar antennas. They are fed a radar signal from vintage 70's technology equipment sitting in trays that are about 6 foot long, and 18 inches wide. Being so old, certain members of the staff repair these if/when they fail. Sometimes they have to purchase components and mount them on the boards. Wow, I was impressed. By changing the amount of signal fed to the various trays, they can change the area being monitored. The antennas are on the North Side of the building, which caused me to ask why? Canada is not an enemy after all. Keep in mind that this was built early in the Cold War, when the Soviet Union still existed. Our government was concerned that the Soviets would place a missile submarine in the Hudson Bay to launch missiles, so mon itoring of the frozen north it did. And it did it, and still does do it, quite well. I was given a tour during lunch Thursday. It was an eye opener and very enjoyable. I was not allowed to have my phone with me during my tour of the building, but I still learned a lot. Obviously I did not teach in this building.

         As I might have said in a previous post, this is my last full year with Motorola. I will retire early next year, probably March or April. Why so late? I have to ensure I'm employed through the 'drop dead' date so I can receive bonus check for 2024. It's far too much money for me to throw away. I will be checking with HR so I know what that date is. And of course, my Current Schedule is below.

Aug 19: International Travel (Fly there on Wednesday 8/21)

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel (Fly home on 8/31). No time to sight see. *Frown* My own fault, but I wanted to get home and rest for almost 22 weeks.)

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Kalispell, Montana

Sept 30: Vacation

Oct 7: Tennessee

Oct 14: Work from home

Oct 21: Schaumburg

Oct 28: Vacation to attend the Akita National Specialty Dog Show

Nov 4: Seattle

Nov 11: Schaumburg

Nov 18: Schaumburg

Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Seattle

Dec 9: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 16: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 23: Christmas!

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


Jim Dorrell
August 8, 2024 at 11:54pm
August 8, 2024 at 11:54pm

         This past week I was in Schaumburg again for a resident class. This is a class I haven't delivered often, yet I've been qualified to deliver it for 16 years! The knowledge is there, but the smoothness of the delivery seemed a little off. Everythign must have gone well for the students based on their grades and comments. Still, I just have th feeling that it could have been so much better.

         I guess I could say I know Schaaumburg quite well, having lived in that area for 15 years. Things have changed of course, but not so much that don't know where to dine and such. The bright spot of the week was when I went to the Naval Hospital at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. I was there to get my wife's prescription for Trulicity filled. It was a 3 month supply, and if we'd gone to CVS in town this would have cost us close to $900, if not a little more or less. At the Naval Hospital, we got it free of charge since I have TriCare for life. It's one of the nicest benefits of hacving served 20 years in the Navy. But what made this a bright spot in my week was taking four Tank You Veterans Challenge Coins in with me and handing them to Veterans. Some were old, older than me, some about my age. They were gone in less than 5 minutes! The looks on their faces, the smiles of gratitude for being recognized, was almost too much. If I'd had 100 coins, I could have given them away during my long wait Yes it was long, but was it worth it? I think so, every minute spent there.

         Work has not slacked off one bit, I find myself really looking forward to retirement at the end of 2024. My Current Schedule is below.

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Kalispell, Montana

Sept 30: Vacation

Oct 7: Tennessee

Oct 14: Work from home

Oct 21: Schaumburg

Oct 28: Vacation to attend the Akita National Specialty Dog Show

Nov 4: Seattle

Nov 11: Schaumburg

Nov 18: Schaumburg

Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Seattle

Dec 9: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 16: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 23: Christmas!

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


Jim Dorrell
July 28, 2024 at 10:44pm
July 28, 2024 at 10:44pm
Los Angeles

         This past week I was in Los Angeles again, this time working with the Los Angeles Unified School District. It was a Networking class, but only 3 students showed up for it. Apparently the customer thought the class was going to be about their new system, new equipment, all that. Instead it was the basic Networking class that is really meant for those who are new to the idea of an IP address/Subnet Mask and what's known as a MAC address. Basic things like that. So a lot of students decided not to attend, and that's fine. I'm going back there in 3 weeks to deliver the class so many of them thought was this past week.

         Since the class was downtown, I stayed at the Doubletree by Hilton in the middle of the city (Little Tokyo). It was my second trip to LA this year after being there seven times last year. But while this was downtown, half of my seven classes last year were in the Alhambra/Monticello area of Los Angeles. I'm almost feeling like I belong there! *Laugh* If I enjoyed being in large cities more, I'd be happy. But a smaller city (Bloomington/Normal has maybe 130,000 residents) suits me so much better. It's alright though, at least I'm only there for a week.

         One student in this class was a little scary at first. His computer skills and ability to follow the written directions in the lab guide really made me wonder. As the week progressed, I saw continued improvement and confidence on his part, reassuring me a bit. He still has a long way to go, but he'll fine if he keeps at it. The key is keeping at it. Most likely his normal job requirements will not allow him much time to work on things. I guess I'll hold my breath and see if he's in the August class, and if he is, see what he remembers. That's the problem with marginal learners half the time. Them using the knowledge they just gained to embed it even firmer than I can in a week.

         Work has not slacked off one bit, I find myself really looking forward to retirement at the end of 2024. My Current Schedule is below.

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Kalispell, Montana

Sept 30: Vacation

Oct 7: Tennessee

Oct 14: Work from home

Oct 21: Schaumburg

Oct 28: Vacation to attend the Akita National Specialty Dog Show

Nov 4: Seattle

Nov 11: Schaumburg

Nov 18: Schaumburg

Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Seattle

Dec 9: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 16: Fort Lauderdale

Dec 23: Christmas!

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


Jim Dorrell
July 19, 2024 at 5:14pm
July 19, 2024 at 5:14pm
Bloomington Illinois

         This has been an interesting week to say the least. I've been on vacation, except I've worked every day as much as I xan. I say as much as I can because Wednesday I came down with the good ol' Stomach Flu. I least I didn't puke, but that's about the only good news. I spent almost the entire day in bed, getting up only to participate in a conference call about the September class in Boston, and to post my nightly entry in "Smile! (Groan?) You Know You Love These!. I think I slept 15 hours total, from midnight to midnight. It's a good thing I was home too, because I couldn't have taught that day. That's the past though, all is decently well now, I'm about 90% healthy in my eyes.

         I've become a walking trip hazard now it seems. Friday night I tripped on a perfectly level surface, sprawling flat on my face, almost. I managed to turn my body a little as I fell. My only injury was a skinned elbow, and dented pride. That will take some time healing too. Oh well, at least I'm still alive, huh!

         The work I did was in prepping for a class in North Dakota in two weeks with the Cavalier Air Force Station, one of the homes of the Space Force. Other than delivering the class, I'm hoping I can get a Challenge Coin, or two. More, if I can get them, and depending on how many is available if so. I also worked on tailoring the course materials for the Boston class, that's occupied most of my time. I'm in Los Angeles next week, and still plan on dining at Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. It would be great if others join me. If not, then I will dine somewhere else alone, only because they only serve Pizza there and I'm not sure of the size. I will post on here Sunday afternoon before going to dinner as to whether I'm going there or not.

         My Current Schedule

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         My Pizza invite for LA still stands, and will. I've had no one contact me, so I'll plan this. I will be at the Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. Join me if you will. Please RSVP to this invite so I will know if I'm dining alone (getting one pizza), or will have friends joining me (more than 1 pizza). This goes for the July 22 week or the August 12 week. Can't forget Boston, San Francisco, Kalispell Montana. So is anyone game for Sunday? It can be a Friday night if you like.... It doesn't have to be pizza, that was something I thought would be better suited for families.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


July 11, 2024 at 11:03pm
July 11, 2024 at 11:03pm
Fort Bragg (Liberty)/Pope AAF, North Carolina

         This has been a very good week, the class has gone about how I envisioned it should/would. It's been a little bit of a challenge since I haven't delivered this in over 10 years. I know, you're wondering how it could possibly be an easy class to deliver. Well, working on the course materials last week did help. However, I deliver a very similar class, with the main differences being that the other one (Repeater Site, if you want more info, ask, I'll answer questions) connects to a central site called the Core. The other difference is that this one has a computer loaded with a software program called Configuration Manager. If you teach a class that deals with the Provisioning Manager (loaded on a Virtual Machine at the Core), it's a cut-down version of that. I teach Fleet Mapping which covers the Provisioning Manager a lot. So, I just lean on that knowledge to deliver this class. The course materials were outdated, so that's what I did last week, heavily edited them.

         This area seems to be an area that is struggling a bit. Now I haven't seen everything around here, but so far, everywhere I look I see properties badly in need of a facelift. I would guess that the people in this area have never known how good it is to have extra money in their pocket, so their property needing work is no surprise. I know how that can be! In the last 3 years, we've put close to $30,000 (maybe a little more in our house!)

         Like I said, the class has gone well, at least in my opinion. The students have learned a lot, I have maximized their hands-on exercise time (which they love), every one of them has learned something in class, even the most experienced technician. The only draw-back is that only one person can log on to the Configuration Manager at a time, so the other five sit and watch. I asked in an early email about remote access to this computer, and was told that wouldn't happen, but that the computer had a large screen which would make it easy for everyone to see. Uh huh. A 26" Screen might seem large, and it is. Except when you're 5 feet or more away from it. Still, we've made do; I've had people cycle through so everyone was able to do a few things.

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Ruby Tuesday          https://www.rubytuesday.com/our-menu/          I mention this place because I will not dine there again. It's not that the food wasn't wasn't tasty because it was. It's not that the service was slow or poor in checking on diners. The place was DARK, it needs a facelift, much like the surrounding area, and the staff could use a training upgrade. Everyone I saw seemed to 'walk-through their requirements. I don't recall seeing one smile.

         Waffle House          https://order.wafflehouse.com/menu/waffle-house-1170          Go ahead, laugh at the idea of enjoying dining at a Waffle House. No one smiled at Ruby Tuesday, everyone smiled here. Was it spotlessly clean? No. But if you were to look around at the kitchen of the places you dine at, it would look very similar. You just can't their kitchens, but you can at Waffle House. Yes, the menu is limited in scope. The food is good, the service excellent. I'd rather dine here any day than dine at Ruby Tuesday's again.

         My Current Schedule

July 15: Vacation (Staying home)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         My Pizza invite for LA still stands, and will. I've had no one contact me, so I'll plan this. I will be at the Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. Join me if you will. Please RSVP to this invite so I will know if I'm dining alone (getting one pizza), or will have friends joining me (more than 1 pizza). This goes for July 22 week or the August 12 week. Can't forget Boston, San Francisco, Kalispell Montana. So is anyone game for Sunday? It can be a Friday night if you like.... It doesn't have to be pizza, that was something I thought would be better suited for families.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


July 4, 2024 at 9:55pm
July 4, 2024 at 9:55pm
Bloomington, Illinois

         The week of 7/1 found me at home in Bloomington Illinois. This break has been great, as well as really appreciated and needed. I've taken my time getting things ready for next week in Fort Bragg.

         In the past, I wanted to deliver a class, then repeat every week. Being older now, I have learned to love these small breaks. The only thing about it is this. I sorta get in a groove traveling and delivering classes. Being off (working from home) for a week or two throws this groove out of whack and it can be a little (very little) difficult to get back in that groove. So what have I done this week? "Invalid Item

         1. Completed work on the course materials I will use next week in Fort Bragg. Why did I have to develop (actually edit) these materials? Three words. There were terrible. Not in their content, but the formatting was done using old templates, a lot of the material was outdated (last used in 2013 or so). There was no way I was going to deliver a class using materials that old. You might wonder why.... I know you've heard the old phrase, "You have one chance to make a good impression." As an instructor meeting strangers every week, I think we have three. One- Your appearance. How are you dressed, how do you carry yourself, how do you interact with people you're just meeting before class... Two - The course materials you present and share with your students, and Three - Your knowledge of those course materials, your ability to present them, and your ability to perform the hands-on exercises that are a part of the course.

         2. I cross trained my co-worker John on the course materials to be used during the Cavalier AFB delivery. I've learned that I'm one of the few instructors who tailors course materials for a delivery, Don't get me wrong here. Most of our courses, especially field courses, can use those 'cookie cutter' course materials. You know, the ones like that. They're the same class after class. And that's fine in many ways. We deliver these classes all the time (look at how often I deliver one of the Networking classes (Nine times in the first half of 2024, but there are 4 of us that deliver these classes, they may not deliver them as often as I do, still....). Trying to edit both the classroom presentations and hands-on activities would be close to impossible. We would need a team of at least 10 people to do that. Plus, they would need detailed knowledge of how the course would flow for this customer. So no, I don't see it happening. But the courses I tailor are usually for a customer whose system is almost unique. During the session with John on Tuesday, I learned of 2 or 3 weak areas he has, at least one of them disturbed me a bit. A bit of detail here that may mean nothing to you all. We use two different pieces of software in delivering a Repeater class. I know, I know, "What's a repeater?" Please don't ask this question. You'll be glassy-eyed in seconds. Anyway, he has never used one of the software in the classes he is qualified to deliver, and he should have. That made alarm bells ring in my head. John would, or could have done a passable job delivering this class to Cavalier AFB, I told our supervisor that. I also said that he, and the department would be better served if he was able to follow our traditional qualification process, and that he should sit-in a radio programming class. Not to teach it, but to become familiar with the software, familiar enough to answer questions he might have encountered at Cavalier AFB. I didn't care who delivers the class, I'm more concerned about quality. As it now turns out, I will be delivering that class. Working with John and editing the course materials occupied all my time Tuesday & Wednesday. What about Monday though? I had a Bone Marrow sample taken on Monday. I was knocked out (Fentanyl was used) for the procedure, and was in a fog after waking until about 2 PM. Plus, I had an appointment with the Allergy Doctor, as well as my family doctor. No cross-training was done Monday.

         Despite everything I said that may have sounded negative, it's been a great week so far. She's an excellent cook, but we've dined out more than you might think. Being the senior citizens we are (I'm 70, she's 74), it can be difficult to find the energy to prepare and cook a meal. She has leg & back issues, I have that Myeloma going on, and back issues as well. So where have we dined?

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Kathy's Home Cooking          As I said, she's a very good cook. We've enjoyed BBQ Chicken Wings with her excellent homemade Pasta Salad & Potato Salad. I also was able to enjoy some Pickled Okra I forgot we had in the pantry. Breakfast was a medium size bowl of Yogurt with Fresh Fruit & Almonds one day. Another day we had scrambled eggs with multi-colored grape tomatoes, sauteed onions & yellow Bell Peppers, with Mike Ditka Sausages (those are the best I've found recently). Do you wonder why or how I've gained weight?

         Ancho & Agave          https://www.anchoandagave.com/menus/          This is not my favorite Mexican Restaurant in town, that honor belongs to Hacienda Leon. However, we met her Sister & Brother-In-Law for dinner, this was their chosen place to meet. We really enjoyed their Hickory Bacon & Goat Cheese Guacamole. I loved their Mesquite-Smoked Chicken Enchiladas while she had their Pork Al Pastor burrito, a HUGE burrito. Yep, we had leftovers. Her Sister & Brother-In-Law both ordered Taco's from their Taco Menu. The meal was good, but the company and talk was just as good, if not better.

         My Current Schedule

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Vacation (Staying home)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB - I will be going there, not my co-worker. He had more to learn & be comfortable with than I anticipated.

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         If any of you in the LA area would like to meet up, I have an idea. I will be there in July and August, so here's my thoughts. I realize that getting away from the family can be tough, so let's meet at a Pizza place. I'll provide Pizza(s), all you need to do is show up with the family (and children). Drinks or anything besides Pizza is on you. What do you think? Is this something that could be done? The best days for me would be either Sunday, or Friday, late afternoon/evening. I'd love to meet anyone from WDC who is in the area.

         As you can see though, I get to travel to numerous locations. If you're in a area I'll be working in and would like to meet for a cuppa or dinner, let me know! I'll be happy to meet any of you.

         That's it for now. I am home for the week of July 4th before heading out again. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


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